Desktop Warfare - da Vinci Catapult Kit
Leonardo da Vinci didn't invent the catapult but, as with anything that crazy Medieval MF touched, he did figure out how to make it way better. And I think if high-rise office buildings, contemporary desktops, and floors...
Electric Wine Bottle Opener
Yeah, old school cork screws are a bi*ch. Instant carpal tunnel, not to mention shredded or incompletely dislodged corks. But there are a lot of steps in between the traditional handheld cranker and this, an electric...
Lodge Cast Iron Reversible Grill
Another boomerang gift! I'll give my girlfriend, She-Ra: Princess of Power, Lodge's Cast Iron Reversible Grill / Griddle for Christmas, and she'll give me all the steaks, burgers, strips of bacon, pancakes, and grilled...
Ultrasonic Essential Oil Diffuser
Ahhh, the pleasing fragrance and relaxing mist of essential oils aromatherapied into the air through a mood-lit ultrasonic diffuser. Another gift for the ladies, right? Not that you'll mind too much when she flicks on...
Betty Crocker Pizza Maker
Pizza stones are so heavy. And preheating the oven takes so long. And not burning myself when I try to Operation out my piping hot pie a little too zealously is nearly impossible. Sure, I don't really need a whole separate...
Amco Rub-A-Way Bar
How can garlic smell so good sizzling in a hot skillet, but soooo bad on my breath and hands? It's an age-old question, I know. I also know these types of stainless steel kitchen odor removers have been around for a while...
Coravin 1000 Wine Siphoning System
Wine thieves rejoice! No longer must you risk getting caught stealing the whole bottle. Just insert the Coravin 1000 Wine System into any fine old red or white with a natural cork and siphon out the goods of a good year...
Dremel Versa Tip Butane Soldering Torch
Dremel knows that bigger isn't always better, and sometimes all you need is the tip. Their Versa Tip butane soldering torch kit is a portable tool for makers, craftsmen, and handymen that comes stocked with accessories...
AquaDance Drencher Showerhead
No, I am not showing you the AquaDance Drencher 3-setting 8" curved rainfall showerhead with waterfall mode just because it looks like a vagina...
Breakfast Burrito Maker
The people want burritos! It's no surprise Hamilton Beach has followed up its wildly popular Breakfast Sandwich Maker with a Breakfast Burrito Maker because, well, the people want burritos! Since 1975, according to Wikipedia...
Silpat Perfect Cookie Baking Sheet
Sure, maybe the cookie dough you've haphazardly slopped on the sheet will taste good. Maybe you can get by with the batter that was a little too runny, or the pinball-sized dollops that grew into baseballs as you scooped...
Charlie Brown Christmas Tree
They say this Charlie Brown Christmas Tree is a nice reminder that the holidays are all about love, but I say it's an even nicer way to eliminate the time, hassle, and mess it takes to buy and put up a real tree. What...
Black Retro Nixie Clock
Thirty-year-old nixie tubes and 22 hours of handiwork go into these retro clocks from Nuvitron. The artisans who make them place authentic, Cold-War-era nixie tubes hauled back from a dusty basement in the former Soviet...
PyroPet Reindeer Candle
Rudolph the white-nosed reindeer / Had a very waxen face / And the next time you see it / I'll have melted it away. All of the other reindeer / Will tremble inside their own skin / As I set a match to Rudolph / And burn...
Nunchuck Pens
Become a martial artist and show that notebook who's boss, or just make a stocking very happily stuffed this Christmas with a pair of Nunchuck Pens. Two barrels filled with jet black ink are capped with medium-tip ballpoints...
T-fal OptiGrill Indoor Electric Grill
Kebabs, bacon, steaks, sandwiches. Yep, T-fal pretty much has the cooking of all my major food groups covered with its OptiGrill. The electric grill is even compact enough that I bet I can do all my food prep right from...
Lumio Book Lamp
Max Gunawan designed Lumio to represent his appreciation for minimalist design and, as an architect, his motivation to optimize the use of small spaces. I bet he's enjoyed a few illuminating books in his life too. Lumio...
Ice Tornado Glass
It was a Dark 'N' Stormy, who am I kidding? It was a straight shot of rum night just like all the others. But I still brought the storm to my glass with this tornado ice mold and its perfectly fitted tumbler...
bolo Rolling Knife
It's Edward Scissorhands 2.0. I wonder if bolo can craft topiaries as well as it minces garlic, slices carrots, and dices onions. This kitchen knife with a curved blade and "O" handle rolls through rather than chops down...
Empathy Cards
How strange that so many awkward situations in life require a greeting card. Emily McDowell Studio capitalized on the supreme example of this reality with a Valentine's Day card they created for the person you're, like...
Ancient Greek Star Wars Prints
Travis Durden is the dude behind these glorious mashups, ancient Greek sculptures-turned-prints of our favorite Star Wars characters. A mashup himself, the French "Durden" is actually no Durden at all. He keeps his real...
Dyson V6 Mattress & Car Seat Vacuum
One thing I know is that the 2 million dust mites Dyson says have colonized my mattress along with their allergenic feces are almost enough to make me lose my lunchtime appetite today (almost; thankfully, my love of the...
Concealed Storage Mirror
Ladies, no mirror will dare say Snow White is the fairest of them all when it catches wind of what you're ready to pull out from behind its glass. This 60" wall-mounted red herring conceals a full-length storage cabinet...
Sliced Bread Chair
I know you don't want me to say it, kind of do. And so do I. This chair is the best thing since jelly. Fold it in half, plop it on the floor and pop a squat. No slow roasting or smoking required to make your...