Optical Illusions

Steampunk Tensegrity Optical Illusion Table

$43.99 Etsy »

I've seen a lot of tensegrity tables popping up - and staying up thanks to the wonders of suspension and tension - in online marketplaces lately. Are these displays of fine design and finer physics taking over for levitating...

Vortex Optical Illusion Rug

$14.99 - $44.99 Amazon »

This vortex optical illusion rug is recommended by 4 out of 5 fictional characters. They include Bugs Bunny, Beetlejuice, Alice, and Winnie the Pooh. Though the latter may have been misled to believe a sea of honey awaits...

Better Than What's Really Inside Garage Door Decals

Best not to keep anything really good inside your garage because these snazzy garage door decals sporting vehicles, airplanes, animals, and scenes that are still probably better than whatever it is are sure going to draw...

Lady on Carpet Rug


I wonder if the woman trapped in this Seletti Wears TOILETPAPER Rug looks ill at ease because she's trapped in a rug, or because Treehorn's thug just peed on her...

Quantum Sharpie & Playing Card Magic Trick

$49.95 Theory11 »

Illusion and trickery never get old. Even for those not involved in politics. Calen Morelli developed the Quantum magic trick for budding magicians, lifes of the party, and Instagram attention-seekers to use in dazzling...

Knocked Upside Down Christmas Tree

$299 - $529 Amazon »

And you thought skewering your Christmas tree to the stand was hard before. Treetopia's terrific optical illusion, the 7' Knocked Upside Down Christmas Tree, gives everyone out there looking to stand out - or, as it were...

Happy Half Pint Glass

Sold Out Amazon »

The Happy Half Pint Glass is the perfect gift for the beer lover...the beer lover who maybe loves beer a little too much. Who maybe needs to cut back a little. Say, by half...

Gravitational Displacemats

$25 Moma Store »

Hey, it's a trick placemat! Either that or a new line of cast iron dishes and silverware. Nah, it's the placemat. The Gravitational Displacemat, as they're called. These optical illusions for the dinner table add a few...

InstaSaber AR Lightsaber App

FREE InstaSaber »

Recent grads can finally put that rolled-up diploma to good use with the InstaSaber. And everyone else: grab a sheet of copy paper or unopened pack of chopsticks, and prepare for virtual battle with all offending lamps...

D'Lite Magic Light Trick

$22.99 Amazon »

You won't mind being all thumbs with a pair of D'Lite Magic Lights on them. Sure, they're an old standard in any magician's bag of tricks, but I bet they'll still wow a room full of today's youth, a generation of gamers...

Flaming Fire Wallet Magic Trick


Nevermind the girl, this wallet's on fi-re! / This wallet's on fi-re-erer-erer. / Looks like a bi-fold, but it's in flames / Ashed my cash, melted all my cards / Guess you'll have to pay...

Painted Furniture

$2,499 - $3,499 GNR 8 »

Whoa. That chick just sat in a painting. Can we do that now? How about comics? Is it going to be like Cool World soon? Tokyo-based design studio YOY developed this series of wicked optical illusions whose true nature...

Shift Self-Bending Paperclip

You know who loves magic tricks? Kids. You know who else loves magic tricks? Hopefully all the women I invite home for a night of fine 7-layer dip and shots of Sauza Silver after I show them my magic trick...

Invisible Bike

I wonder which is less comfortable: Jimmy Kuehnle's Invisible Bike or Jimmy Kuehnle's invisible outfit. In other words, would you rather require rectal surgery or pass out from heat exhaustion and develop a full-body...

True Mirror - How Others See You

$249.99 Amazon »

The True Mirror idea is simple (and old; it was first patented in 1887): place two mirrors at right angles and have a look-see. Its effect, though, elicits the complexities of realization spanning everything from Whoa!...

Lucid Dreaming Mask

Sold Out Amazon »

The philosophy and science behind the Remee Lucid Dreaming Mask makes the most sense to the highly intelligent, the highly self-actualized, and the highly high. For the rest of us, watching the accompanying video is probably...

Clone Your Face 3D Mask

$2,812 - $3,655 Real-f »

On a bad hair day, you might wear a wig. Now, on a bad face day, you can wear a REALFACE. REALFACE is a 3DPF--three-dimensional photo form--that elevates the powers of standard 3D printing, and combines them with 3D modeling...

Wicked Optical Illusion

Believe it or not, the blue and green in this image are actually the same color. Seriously. No, I'm not joking. I was calling my eyes liars too, but it's true. If you save the image and open it in Photoshop, you'll clearly...