Collapsible Canvas Wheelbarrow

Sold Out Amazon »

Most wheelbarrows tend to be a bit...unwheeldy, if you will...but this collapsible canvas wheelbarrow from Creative Outdoor Distributor looks like a storage and maneuverability gem. Not to mention an excellent representative...

Velvet Potato Pillow

$84.01 Etsy »

It's the most expensive, yet also the most cuddly, potato you'll ever own. Krystyna Dulinska's Velvet Potato Pillow might be the best potato gift I've seen since the Potato Parcel, whose cost and cuddliness are also up...

Butt Plug Sink Plug

$12.65 Etsy »

Ain't nothing getting past this sphincter! The Butt Plug Sink Plug is a mighty - and extra cheeky - addition to the bathroom on so many levels. It's silly and funny. It serves a real and useful purpose. And it allows...

E175: What Is This Thing?

Sold Out Amazon »

Welcome to Edition 175 of What Is This Thing?, my recurring visual riddle series consisting of one simple photo - see above - and one simple question: what is this thing?...

Overtones Fashion-Forward Hearing Aids

I'm not sure I'd go so far as to call the Overtones hearing aids fashionable, but if you dig the look of earbuds and Bluetooth headsets hangin' from your ears, you might. However, I would definitely call Overtones fashion-forward...

BusyBox S Smart Sign

$129 - $149 BusyBox »

BusyBox says their BusyBox S Smart Sign "works. So you can work." Or record your music. Or stream your podcast. Or tell everyone you're masturbating without telling them you're masturbating...

Kama Sutra Bucket List Scratch Poster

$22.66 Amazon »

A whole bucket list of Kama Sutra positions? Um, I feel like my whole bucket list contains making it through just one single Kama Sutra position. I mean, seriously dudes, The Spider? The Sidekick? The Tornado?! They all...

Air Removing Bag Clip

$9.49 Amazon »

Here's an Air Removing Bag Clip for all the chips you'll have leftover Sunday night after the Super Bowl. It will give them back their factory fresh seal until, well, in all probability, the next morning when you eat...

Advanced Tools Warning Sticker

$3.75 Etsy »

Now what is this Warning telling me? Something about tools? Let's see here... Warning: These tools are too advanced for your skill level. Please stick with...Fisher Price? What? Fisher Price? What does that - hey! That's...

Tablet Chest Harness

$69.95 Amazon »

I'm pretty sure READYACTION's Tablet Chest Harness is intended for people who do a lot of work standing and moving about. Contractors and real estate agents, utility and warehouse workers, event organizers, coaches, all...

Crazy Cursor Mouse Destroyer Prank

$14.98 Etsy »

The Crazy Cursor Mouse Destroyer Prank is a good one for anyone to pull on...anyone but you. Within 30 seconds of plugging this tiny USB PCB into any computer running Windows 11 and below, the system's mouse will be...

Ballsy B2 Groin & Body Trimmer

$21.99 Amazon »

Who's up for a shave and a soak? And by shave, I mean a round of Ballsy B2 Groin & Body Trimmer on the ol' family jewels. And by soak, a session in the Testicuzzi to treat yo'self after all that hard work grooming delicate...

Flipping the Bird Trophy

Tell me without telling me you'd like me to F off. That's the essence of this otherwise handsome Bird Trophy - no, Flipping the Bird Trophy - from Uncommon Goods...

Spatty Daddy Mini Spatula

Sold Out Amazon »

It's a big ask, but I would be willing to call this Spatty "Daddy" if it helps me scrape an extra tablespoon of Biscoff Cookie Butter or Fly By Jing Sichuan Chili Crisp out of their jars. My wife, She-Ra: Princess of...

Autodromo Stringback Driving Gloves

$140 Autodromo »

Splinters! That's the reason behind driving gloves. I mean, that's what I deduce when Autodromo says, "Throughout the 1950s and into the 1960s, racing drivers relied on the stringback driving glove to protect their palms...

Anytongs - Turn Any Eating Utensils into Tongs

$12.99 Anytongs »

Will turning any eating utensils into tongs have you singing "The Tong Song?" Or rather, "The Anytong Song?" Hmmm, maybe...

Hapi Air Birthday Candle Blower

Sold Out Amazon »

There's always been a general, vague awareness that when people blow out the candles on their birthday cakes, everyone who subsequently eats a piece of those cakes will also be eating droplets of the birthday boy or girl's...

Nu'Clear Bulletproof Glass Concept Motorcycle

Nu'Clear. I hope Mikhail Smolyanov has copyrighted that name for his most excellent concept motorcycle encased in bulletproof glass. Because if not, someone is definitely going to steal it. Maybe even me...

Subsoccer Under-Table Football Game

$649 - $2,418 Subsoccer »

Who wants to play footsie - no, I mean footie - under the table? Subsoccer is a new kind of tabletop soccer / football game where all the action happens not on the tabletop, but under it...

Stanley Adventure Big Grip Beer Stein

$14.97 - $25 Amazon »

Would you beer my Valentine? With a Stanley Adventure Big Grip Beer Stein in hand, that's the question I'm most hoping to hear from my wife, She-Ra: Princess of Power this Valentine's Day...

E174: What Is This Thing?

$11.99 Amazon »

Welcome to Edition 174 of What Is This Thing?, my recurring visual riddle series consisting of one simple photo - see above - and one simple question: what is this thing?...

Mind The Gap: A Trivia Game for the Generations

$33.81 Amazon »

A boomer, a Gen Xer, a Millennial, and a Gen Zer walk into a bar...nah, just kidding. Those 4 would never walk into the same bar, unless, I guess, it was a juice bar. Let's try again. A boomer, a Gen X-er, a Millennial...

IceLiners Martini Glass & Ice-Lining Silicone Mold

$21.74 Amazon »

According to IceLiners, this martini glass and silicone mold combo allows you to create "a thin lining of ice attached to the inner wall of your glass, keeping its temperature near freezing for a prolonged period of time."...

I am posting my roundup of Dude's must see products for 1/23 on 2/3/23! Ha! What a feat! One worthy of, oh, I don't know, say...a 3D decal of a farm pig busting through the back windshield of Old McDonald's new SUV?...