Bath N Bailey Works Organic Sunburn Relieving Salve

Hot time, summer in the city / If you get burnt, ain't gonna look pretty. But maybe it will hurt a smidge less after you rub on some of Bath N Bailey Works' Organic Sunburn Relieving Salve.
Formulated and handmade by Bailey Welch, this Organic Sunburn Relieving Salve is a UV-assuaging, all-organic mix of Coconut Oil, Kukui Nut Oil, Argan Oil, Aloe Oil, Vitamin E Oil, and Beeswax. Of the lot, kukui nut oil might be the one you're least familiar with, and it's also the ingredient Bath N Bailey Works touts as the most important. Kukui nut oil hails from Hawaii, where, full of linoleic acid and omega-3s, it has been used for hundreds of years to help reduce inflammation and pain.
The Sunburn Relieving Salve comes in a 2-ounce tin and, according to Bath N Bailey Works, it can extend the life of a tan in addition to easing a burn.