
National Geographic Break Open Geodes Kit

$29.99 Amazon »

Do you trust your child with a hammer and a pile of rocks? ... How about your husband, ladies? The National Geographic Break Open Geodes Kit comes with 10 fat stones packed with chewy centers made of a variety of different...

Ninja Warrior Obstacle Course for Kids

$134.98 Amazon »

If my mama had installed a Ninja Warrior obstacle course in our backyard when I was a kid, she could have saved herself a lot of the yelling and arguments that ensued when she told me to get off the Nintendo and go play...

Scientific Explorer Disgusting Science Kit

$13.99 Amazon »

Seems like a pretty good time to, as Scientific Explorer's Disgusting Science Kit puts it, "Educate your child on what actually grows on their own body." You know, bacteria. Mold. Coronaviruses that are going to kill...

MudWatt STEM Kit - Grow Your Own Living Fuel Cell


Electricity from mud. That's the game, or rather, the challenge your kiddos will get from a MudWatt STEM Kit. The kit comes with all the groundwork for building a living fuel cell, and all you'll need to add to start...

Star Wars Millennium Falcon Experience Bounce House

$9,495 Magic Jump »

I see the Star Wars Millennium Falcon Experience bounce house, and so many ideas come to mind. Who needs a piece de resistance for their kid's Star Wars-themed birthday party? Who needs the ultimate accessory for their...

UBTECH Mythical Series: Unicornbot Kit

$84.99 Amazon »

While UBTECH appears to be marketing their Mythical Series: Unicornbot Kit to young lady STEM enthusiasts, I happen to know a not-so-young...OK, young-at-heart lady named She-Ra: Princess of Power who might like this...

Kano Star Wars The Force Coding Kit

$49.95 Amazon »

Does The Force live inside your young Jedis? With the Kano Star Wars The Force Coding Kit, you'll be able to test their dedication midi-chlorian count, or at least their attention span and skills for coding, as they build...

Alien Plush Toys

$19.99 - $37.99 Amazon »

These Alien Plush Toys are made of non-allergenic and non-toxic materials. I mean, on the outside. On the inside they probably have stores and stores of radioactive outer space goo and mind-controlling gases they'll start...

Dinosaur Baby Mobile

$125.84 Etsy »

Sweet dreams are made of these: dinosaurs! T-Rex, stegosaurus, and brontosaurus, to be precise. Sweet dreams are also made in Canada, home of the Dinosaur Baby Mobile's felt crafter, Kristina Turchyn...

SlideAway LEGO & Kid Clutter Cleanup Basket

$17 - $30 Kickstarter »

Guess who the SlideAway cleanup basket doesn't have to tell what a pain in the foot it is to clean up kids' (or adults') LEGOs?...

Linen Art Rocking Monsters


Before we get too far into talking about these wicked kids' Rocking Monsters, maker Linen Art would like to make one thing clear: Rocking Monsters are safe! Neither Shark, nor Octopus, nor Ghost is going to eat or otherwise...

Honda Sound Sitter - Car Engine Noise Baby Soother

Honda's Sound Sitter, a new concept stuffed toy (yes, we live in a time where a "concept stuffed toy" is a thing) for babies and fussy kids, is powered by the idea that taking crying littles for a ride in the car helps...

Toilet Paper Blasters Skid Shot

$94.76 Amazon »

I've heard of an ass blaster, but an ass-wiper blaster? Toilet Paper Blasters, you and your Skid Shot have my undivided attention...

The Moto Rocker

$1,600 Felix Monza »

Now this is the kind of Moto I'd like to say hello to. The Moto Rocker, a cafe / brat / track racer for kids, is the brainchild of industrial designer Felix Monza. A rocking horse built for the 21st century, where kids...

The Last Jedi: Life-Sized Interactive Porg Plush


Even if you hate The Last Jedi's porgs, if you're a parent you're probably gonna have to buy some porg-related porg thing for your kids. And this life-sized interactive porg plush is probably the one they'll want most...

Oahaca Pull-String Windup Toy

$22.50 Amazon »

If you haven't fully stuffed your stockings yet, Oahaca's ready to join the sock party. Just don't get him too wound up before Christmas morning - he gets a little wild and unruly at the pull of a string...

Motion Activated Candy Dispenser

Sold Out Amazon »

I do appreciate that a motion activated candy dispenser means touchless operation and, therefore, no transfer of germs between all the grimy hands that would otherwise be cranking the metal knob, opening the lid, and...

Luke Skywalker's Landspeeder

$499.99 Radio Flyer »

My Episode IV A New Hope is that Luke Skywalker's Landspeeder hears the collective wail of all adult Star Wars fans and comes out with pre-order information for a second model of the replica X-34. One that supports weights...

Air Fort - 30-Second Inflatable Tent

$49.95 Amazon »

The Air Fort, in addition to creating a private place for me to hide sleep when my future in-laws visit and take over my bedroom next month, gives me an excuse to haul out my old college box fan. The one She-Ra: Princess...

Benny the Jumping Bull Inflatable Hopper

$24.95 - $29.99 Amazon »

Dude! Where was Benny the Jumping Bull and his sick Zorro mask when I was a kid in need of a sidekick (and means of transportation!) for acting out my superhero fantasies? And look. That little girl in the photo isn't...

Nerf Mega Mastodon

$59.99 Amazon »

You could wait for Black Friday. Orrrr, you could make today Red & Orange with Accents of White & Black Friday, and get the Nerf N-Strike Mega Mastodon a solid 6 weeks early so you'll have time to test it out yourself...make...

SkyCurve Platform Swing

Sold Out Amazon »

If the SkyCurve Platform Swing can support up to four kids, why is there no talk of all the fun adults such as me and my friend Cornelius can have on it? First of all, the swing's surface looks like a trampoline, and...

The Swurfer Swing

$61.79 Amazon »

I was wondering the same thing: what's the load-bearing capacity on this swing? Some of us are in luck. The Swurfer has a respectable 250-pound weight limit, plus comes with adjustable handles to set it at a range of...

Chemistry Crayon Labels

Sold Out Etsy »

Que Interesante calls these Chemistry Crayon Labels a tool for teaching "children" about the periodic table of elements, and the chemical compounds they create. I think to be polite. Because I think 98% of adults out...