
Ghost Pepper Chicken Noodle Soup

$2.48 Amazon »

Are you ready to spice up your life with a bowl of something that's not just hot, but ghost pepper hot? Campbell's Chunky has introduced their Ghost Pepper Chicken Noodle Soup, and it's not for the faint of heart (or...

French's Mustard Skittles

If you think French's Mustard Skittles - bags of monotone yellow Skittles flavored not like lemon, but French's Mustard - are a wild and crrraaazy idea!, well. You must have missed the National Mustard Day celebratory...

The Big Zen 420-Pound Cannabis Chocolate Bar

Pass the pipe to Zen Cannabis for the The Big Zen and all, but how has no one ever made a 420-pound cannabis chocolate bar to celebrate 4.20 before? That seems like an idea every single stoner would have...pretty much...

The Super Mario Bros. Movie TRUFF Hot Sauce

The Super Mario Bros. Movie has teamed up with TRUFF Hot Sauce to bring a spicy collaboration to all the gamers, heat seekers, and just plain ol' fungis out there. TRUFF x Super Mario Bros. Hot Sauce drops as a limited...

Chazz Genitalia-Flavored Kettle Chips

$10.70 Chazz »

You dudes and ladies gotten a load - or a whiff - of Chazz Genitalia-Flavored Kettle Chips yet? They're available in both D*ck and Pus*y flavors, but (oddly? obviously?) not a mixed bag of both. And though you probably...

Trees Knees Coffee Maple Syrup

$13.99 Amazon »

Pass the kids the imitation Mrs. Butterworth's. Trees Knees' Coffee Maple Syrup brings pure, organic New York Catskill maple mixed with real Stumptown Coffee to the adults chowing down on pancakes and waffles in the morning...

Chocolate Covered Scorpion

$9.24 Amazon »

The official name of this chocolate covered scorpion is "Dessert Scorpion." Just in case there is any confusion about whether you should eat it for breakfast or as a snack or on a dare. And also to distinguish it from...

Maple Stream Sprayable Maple Syrup

Sold Out Amazon »

Milk for Santa's cookies? Lame. This year I'm leaving out a can of Maple Stream instead, and letting 7 fluid ounces of sprayable maple syrup help him wash down the peanut butter blossoms, Corn Flake wreaths, and gingerbread...

MSCHF's Big Fruit Loop

$19.99 MSCHF »

Are you ready for a half-pound, 930-calorie Fruit Loop? No, not half a pound and 930 calories worth of Froot Loops*, a single Fruit Loop weighing 6.7 ounces and packing 930 cals into the happy...but maybe turning sad...

Hostess Snack Cakes Bottled Iced Lattes

Sold Out Amazon »

Hostess Snack Cakes Bottled Iced Lattes bring one stop shopping for coffee and a pastry to a kitchen or office break room near you! The cakes even come pre-dunked! I'm trying to decide whether I'm delighted or disgusted...

Freeze Dried Pepperoni Pizza

$10 Etsy »

Wood-fired pizza ovens, I see your 800-degree temperatures and crispy crusts, and raise you minus-100-degree temperatures and crispy crusts, crispy cheese, crispy pepperoni, and crispy tomato sauce! Freeze Dried Pepperoni...

Culinary Perfume - Edible Fragrance & Ice Cream Topping

It's gonna cost you a helluva lot more than hot fudge, sprinkles, and Old Spice, but Salt & Straw's Culinary Perfume, an edible fragrance and ice cream topping, is sure to be the foodie gift of the year. Or at least of...

8Greens Daily Greens Lollipops

$15.99 Amazon »

According to 8Greens, one 8Greens Daily Greens Lollipops contains as much Vitamin C as 2 oranges, Vitamin B5 as 15 cups of broccoli, Vitamin B6 as 15 cups of spinach, Vitamin B12 as 7 cups of milk, and zinc as 3 cups...

Mother's Day Kentucky Fried Buckquet

By: KFC »

The Kentucky Fried Buckquet, available between May 1 and May 3, 2022 to honor Mother's Day, isn't as cool as it sounds. Which is unfortunate, because it sounds awwwesommme...

Tyson 2.0 Mike Bites - Cannabis Gummy Ears

Mike Bites. Now this is the kind of earful I'd take gladly. No real human body parts or nagging from my mama required with Mike Tyson's cannabis gummy ears, just a chill night and better sleep. And a bit of glee sinking...

Ujjo Hot Sauce for Coffee

$15 - $28 Ujjo »

Mama Mia, that's a spicy m-...cup of coffee? Ujjo hot sauce for coffee is here to spice up your morning brew. In a good way, if you agree that Lauren D'Souza's hours of experimenting and taste testing during quarantine...

Meepo MealCubes

Meep MealCubes see SquarEat's Food Block Meals, and raise them...gummies. Another quick, dirty, and preternaturally preservable way to get your daily nutrients, Meepo MealCubes pack their protein, carbs, fat, vitamins...

Freeze-Dried Dill Pickles

$10.89 Etsy »

Freeze-Dried Dill Pickles are poppable, crunchable, addictive, and ready to desiccate your body and burn a hole through your esophagus when you end up eating the equivalent of 4 jars of regular pickles in a single sitting...

Twix Shakers Seasoning Blend

Sold Out Amazon »

Twix Bars pulverized into a seasoning blend of chocolate, caramel, and cookie? Uh, can the Twix Shakers Seasoning Blend run in 2024? It might not know much about the economy, the law, the world in general, but what politician...

Brew Glitter - Edible Wine & Cocktail Glitter

$11.95 - $12.95 Amazon »

Brew Glitter. Dude. I have enough trouble getting glitter out of my house, my clothes, my - shiver - car if ever it encounters them, and now? Now? You're asking me to put myself in a position where I have to get glitter...

Round Hot Dogs

$18 Rastelli's »

This is SPAM! Rastelli's is SPAMming you! And they're calling it a Round Hot Dog to try to get you to fall for the trickery! I know because I had the same idea myself back in 2018. It all started in Germany, with a pub...

Pocket Latte - Coffee in a Bar

Sold Out Amazon »

Have you bitten off a latte? More than you can chew? Hang in there, keep working on it - once you get that big bite of Pocket Latte down, this coffee in a bar will give you a near-instant pick-me-up. A whole cup of coffee's...

After Dinner Nipples - Mint Chocolate Boobies

$19.99 Amazon »

Care for a nip of mint to cleanse your palate? ... And dirty your mind? After Dinner Nipples are mint chocolate boobie treats made in the spirit of After Eight Mints, and molded in homage to mankind's other favorite after...

Coca-Cola with Coffee


Coca-Cola with Coffee. Um...yum? Ew? I don't know. I like Coke. I like coffee. Sometimes putting two things you love together is magical, and sometimes it's a disaster. Sometimes they hate each other. Sometimes they get...