Jet Fry Oil-Free Fryer
- BIG BOSS 1300-Watt Oil-Less Fryer - $94.99
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I have a hard time believing that fried food tastes like fried food if it's not fried fully submerged in the succulent greasiness of oils corn, palm, peanut, or pig. But, since I'd prefer not to have my first dance with heart disease at age 40, I guess I'll accept an air cooker able to crisp my fries and chicken strips anywhere in the general textural vicinity of deep fried. And consumer feedback on the Living Basix Jet Fry, an oil-free fryer, reports that the machine delivers pseudo-fried favorites that reach well beyond just edible, some even touching the edge of the real thing.
Using a combination of infrared and convection heat the Jet Fry can reach internal temperatures of 400 degrees F, as well as circulate hot air continuously to evenly cook anything from onion rings to chicken wings. Resultant exteriors are deemed crunchy, and interiors soft and moist. Haha, moist. My friend Constantine hates that word. Whenever I hear it I think of Eddie Murphy playing Grandma Klump at the dinner table in The Nutty Professor, talking about how some dude is so handsome he makes her moist. Yeah...I guess I don't like the word moist so much either.
Another Jet Fry plus is that any oil used to coat or marinate foods is absorbed by the foods themselves so there will be no waste left over to dispose of, and the cooking process will not make your kitchen smell like Mickey D's at last call.
In addition to fake frying, the Jet Fry can also broil meats and vegetables. It functions at adjustable temperatures, as well as optionally on a programmable timer. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.