Food & Drink

T-Rex Bottle Opener

$29.99 Amazon »

T-Rex, no, please! Don't eat my face! this bottle of Bud Light Lime! ... No dude, that's just the cap, you gotta get the stuff in - no? You don't want it? OK, OK, that's cool - what, you want-? You want...

Mizu Insulated Titanium Mug

Sold Out Amazon »

Do I want the Mizu insulated titanium camping mug over all the other insulated titanium camping mugs out there only because it's made by Ninja Prepper? Nah...

YETI Hopper Portable Cooler

$299.98 - $399.95 Amazon »

A YETI Hopper 30 is about the size of my girlfriend's purse, and I have plenty of experience carrying that so...uh, I mean, if she can lug a 30-liter bag all over the streets of Nashville, even once it's stuffed full...

The Burger Lift

Sold Out Amazon »

Even though the Burger Lift is kind of a head-scratcher--wait, why do I need a plastic rack in the shape of a burger to raise my real burger half an inch off the plate?--it still might be one of the most logical things...

Drive Stein - The Football Drinking Game Mug

Sold Out Amazon »

If you're not a big drinker, but want to play Drive Stein, just make sure you're a Rams fan that day, because according this football drinking game's simple rules, your downs come only with your team's first downs...

Sciabola del Sommelier - Champagne Sabres

$159.99 Amazon »

Great. I'm gonna have to start drinking white and pink bubble wine. Because hacking off bottle necks with a Champagne Sabre is the only way my girlfriend's ever going to agree to let me wield a sword around the house...

Mistaken Lyrics Coasters


We've all done it. We've all badgered someone else for doing it. And really, song lyrics misheard, mistaken, and butchered are almost always more fun than what the artists are actually singing anyway...

IRONATE - 3-Minute, No-Oven Pizza


Know when else you can eat pizza in the morning, pizza in the evening, pizza at supper time? When pizza's on an IRONATE dish of intense heat conduction that needs just 3 minutes to cook it into a disc of pure crispy-chewy-cheesy-crust...

MiniPresso Espresso Maker

$54.90 Amazon »

It's just like squeezing out the mustard. Or the honey. Or the shampoo. Except on the other side of your MiniPresso grip strength action lies a fresh pour of pure pick-me-up espresso, rather than a fat blob of condiment...

HYDRA SmartBottle


HYDRA has found a way to make water a whole lot more interesting, and it doesn't even involve caffeine, neon food dyes, or a 1,000,000 Scoville rating. (Though that last one might be a fun idea for a Halloween prank.)...

Fake Tampon Flasks

$22.98 Amazon »

Mmmm, boy. Who wants an illicit Bloody Mary? I don't care how thirsty I might be at a dry college football game, show, or church service, I don't think I could take a swig of anything out of a tampon. Even a fake tampon...

R2-D2 Coffee Press

$39.99 ThinkGeek »

Get Beep-bee-bee-boop-buuuzzzzzzed with the R2-D2 coffee press. How could Star Wars geekery not lay its stamp on French-style caffeine extraction? The cylindrical shape of the classic French press is perfect. And what...

Stanley Classic Flask

$16 - $39.98 Amazon »

If Paul Bunyan and Don Draper were sharing some hooch around the campfire, I bet the Stanley Classic Flask in Hammertone Crimson is what they'd use to tip it back. And so would I...

Classic Bento Vacuum Lunch Jar

$142.57 Amazon »

Japan meets Russia in a bento lunch you can take to work matryoshka doll-style. Zojirushi's stainless steel vacuum lunch jar will keep hot foods hot, cold foods cold, and, most importantly, foods you don't want touching...

Ka-Bar Tactical Spork

$7.95 Amazon »

See, it's a fork-spoon combo up top with a...knife!...that pulls out from the handle. And - and! - it's black. Ka-Bar's Tactical Spork is a tactical tool for tactical eating if I've ever seen one. Imagine the stealth...

Insulated 12 oz Lowball Tank

Sold Out Amazon »

I think the implication is that this is a Strong. Ass. Cup. A cup for men who twist off caps that aren't twist-off. For men who rip open Amazon Prime boxes with their bare hands. For men who inflate all 12 of the Annual...

Ice Cream FREEZE Cooling Bowl

$18.99 Amazon »

Yeah, forget frozen ice cream, I'm about to wear the FREEZE Bowl as a hat. Let's see if it can keep my head from melting for the same 30 to 45 minutes it says it will keep my scoops of Mint Chocolate Chip in their solid...

Chill-O Stainless Steel Swizzle Sticks


No need to choose between skunky room temperature, watered-down, and 50/50 chance of a cracked tooth with Chill-O Stainless Steel Swizzle Sticks. These stainless steel rods deliver the cool without melting like ice, and...

Darth Vader ToothSaber Toothpick Dispenser

$262 Amazon »

From oral hygiene to hors d'oeuvres serving, the Dark Lord of the Sith has your back. Exhibiting an unrelenting desire to serve and protect, Darth Vader has traded in his lightsaber for a toothpick. A wad of toothpicks...

The Chork - Chopsticks & Fork in One

$8.99 - $14.99 Amazon »

What you see before you are cheaters. At least cheaters in the Chork-o-Sphere. The Chork is a double-ended fork (flip!) and chopsticks combo. Use it tines-down and you're eating like a Westerner. Split the utensil in...

Star Wars Death Star Toaster

$65.54 The Fowndry »

This Death Star is armed with 7,293 TIE Fighters, and it's ready to deploy them onto your sliced bread. In toaster form, it's also the perfect solution to mornings you're in a rush and don't have time to craft a complete...

The PistachiOpener

Sold Out Amazon »

Munching on pistachios is my jam. Cracking open the shells, watching them pile up into a mountain of accomplished noshing. It's a fine way to spend a Saturday afternoon. But doing it can really leave an impression. A...

Date Night Backpack

$59.99 Amazon »

I'm not saying cheap dates are always the best dates. I'm just saying they're always the best dates when I'm paying for them. Now I'll grant you that this cheap-date-making picnic backpack isn't that cheap itself. But...

Sovaro Luxury Coolers

$495 - $895 Amazon »

Hey dudes, save your wine corks. You might be able to make an $800 cooler out of them. Sovaro has created a line of luxe ice boxes, the haute cool-ture (you're welcome, Karl Lagerfeld) of summer BBQs and days at the beach...