Star Wars Coffee Table
Could there be a more practical application for Star Wars action figures? I mean, aside from figuring out how to animate them, and building an army to storm the George Lucas compound? James Chillcott's mixed media coffee...
Human & Pet Rocking Chair
First, we prepare all of their meals and allow them to share our bed. Then, we scurry along behind them, scrambling for a plastic bag when they squat to take a dump, picking up the shit when they're done, and schlepping...
Corvette Desk
Has ever a rear end looked so hot in Big Bird yellow? Designer and fabricator Brian Bauer funnels raw horsepower into refined office decor, and emerges from the synergistic explosion with this glass-topped Corvette desk...
Pac-Man Ghost Tables
Whoa, the Pac-Man Ghost Tables are so authentic their graphics even match the pixelated and somewhat-out-of-focus aesthetics of their arcade counterparts. Hmm, between these trippy visual effects, the tables' extra-large...
The Rumba Drum Table
Pa-Rumba-Drum-Drum. Drummer boys (and girls) of all sizes can impress the king, the hot yoga instructor, and their mom with this elegantly designed and executed coffee table that moonlights as a four-piece drum set stacked...
Working Nintendo Controller Coffee Table
What holds feet, beer, and the controls that will drive your world-record-setting Tetris score? Feast your eyes on the fully-functional Nintendo Controller Coffee Table. Charles Lushear has entwined old school entertainment...
Hummer H2 Fantasy Bed
Mini gangstaz, flower children, and future ice cream truck drivers of America can dream of what their licenses may one day bring while snuggled into and drooling all over these handcrafted twin beds. The Hummer H2 behemoth...
The Bird's Nest Bed
The Bird's Nest Bed can accommodate up to 16 people at once. Take note swingers, Mormons, women undergoing IVF treatments, and the Duggar family! The giant basin of comfort was brainstormed and brought to life by O*GE...
Marine Mine Furniture
Estonian sculptor Mati Karmin has been creating art for over 25 years, but his marine mine furniture and decor are perhaps his most breathtaking work to date, and indeed some of the most unique pieces you'll ever take...
Your Inner Wolf Chair
Everyone has a wolf within. Even if it's a low-rung Beta that consists predominantly of envying the musculature of Alcide Herveaux and Tyler Lockwood, or succumbing to guilty pleasures, such as MTV's Teen Wolf, and Amazon's...
Star Trek Enterprise Coffee Table
NCC-1701 is ready for reception of coasters, remote controls, back issues of Scientific American, and holey crew-socked feet. Craftsman Barry Shields spent a month forging the USS Enterprise from ash, poplar, and cherry...
Magnetic Field Stools
Dutch designer Jolan van der Wiel not only created these Fraggle-Rock-meets-Super-Mario-Brothers-meets-Gotham-City hybrids, he also created the simple wood-framed machine used to forge them. Summoning the forces of gravity...
The Rocking Bed
If this bed's a rocking then... it's probably a cool new rocking bed. The Mood Rocking Bed is an indoor / outdoor bed built inside of a cylinder shaped frame. It can be left to rock or freeze in any position with rubber...
Time Out Stool
Your kids haven't quite turned out how you expected to be. With aspirations of raising NFL quarterbacks and Rhodes Scholars quickly fading, you'd just like to avoid having a felon living underneath your roof. And while...
Alphabet Chairs
Make a cozy word and alight it with punctuation. Tabisso lounge chairs are customizable by fabric, color, shell, and footing in letters A to Z, and numbers 0 to 9. Your initials, the logical choice, will add whimsical...
Retro Space Invader Couch
80's nostalgia pampers your pad in 8-bits of pixel perfection. Times were simpler. Games were simpler. Move left, move right, shield, fire. Why did we spend so much time playing this game? It was all we knew...and loved...
King Kong Themed Home Theater
A King Kong inspired home theater setup from Tom Spina Designs. The same geniuses that brought you the Avenger's Desk have an amazing imagination so you don't have to. Great job guys...
MMA Throwdown Bed
A great way to settle arguments between siblings, the MMA throwdown bed gives parents the option to let their children battle to the death before night night time. No biting or hair pulling please...
Bad Table
Creative table design beats your dog to the punch... then urinates it all over your carpet. Made with western maple and aluminum, this is just one of many creative designs from Straight Line Design...
The Animal Chair Collection
The Animal Chair collection constitutes a diverse range of species, from mammals to reptiles, and even insects. Each creation retains the animal's natural vitality whilst being totally biologically accurate in their appearance...
Enignum Wooden Canopy Bed
This belongs on The Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings. This bed made of ash and featuring silk curtains, is part of a collection of furniture. I think this bed is probably too good for me. If I laid my dirty feet down...
Grand Leather Bean Bag Chair
These look like they would be good for two things. Playing video games and sitting in while you're high. If you want to have the perfect day, get high, sink into this beauty and turn FIFA socer 2011 on the PS3...