Cannabis Killer Candle - Weed Odor Remover
While weed itself has been pretty well documented to be more of a health booster than a killer, I can't say as much for its aroma. Not always the ideal scent in which to douse your house, particularly when it lingers...
Wolverine Light
An "X" lighting base finished in black and silver and fitted with a full, removable, and--ohhh yeahhh--wearable set of metallic claws. The Wolverine Collectible Light from Taiwan product design group HingSan is selling...
Il Nido Nest for Humans
Milan firm DesignLibero has gone in the same direction as O*GE Creative Group, but developed a less literal interpretation of a bird's nest for humans with their Il Nido. Italian for "nest" Il Nido is a piece of microarchitecture...
Cup Holder Power Inverter with USB Port
Car cup holder space may be precious, but I can think of at least 3 times I would have gladly traded my 20-ounce quad Caramocha for a phone that didn't die in the middle of navigating me the hell out of downtown Portland...
Hatchie Back Seat Rifle Sling
While there will be a lot more dinners to be had from your rod and reel than your rifle over the next few months, I never ignore the Scout's Motto: Always be prepared. Hatchie's back seat gun sling comes in two pieces...
Self-Balancing Butter Knife
Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down. This is the Weeble of butter knives. A dynamo at the dinner table, the knife self-balances on one end when not in use so you don't have to lay its jam/butter/mustard-covered other...
Triple Divided Skillet
I understand the benefit of using a Triple Divided Skillet in theory, and maybe even under certain circumstances, such as preventing eggplant from touching anything I might consider eating. But definitely not in the way...
The Charted Sandwich Board
If she's gonna go make you a sammich, you should probably: A) know exactly what kind of sammich you require to avoid receiving, like, hummus & sprouts on gluten-free millet bread; and B) be fully aware of the sammich's...
Fanimation Fitzgerald Fan
If Fanimation's Fitzgerald is to be believed, it's kind of pricey to buy a fan that won't ug up the room you plan to put it in. This oscillating blower sits inside a funky, modernized shell-shaped metal housing with an...
The Server Farm PC Case Grow Box
But officer, where could I possibly be growing marijuana? As you can see, down here in my mama's basement it's just me, my dirty dishes collection, and my circa 1992 PC. I just finished a particularly exhilarating game...
Labyrinth Table
All that's missing from this Labyrinth is a puffy-shirted, spikey-mulleted David Bowie all decked out like the Goblin King. Then again, with the table's removable glass top and included figurines roaming the maze already...
Mighty Handle Carrier
The fact that Mighty Handle-rs are probably making a crap ton of money off a hook-shaped piece of plastic really gets my goat. Especially since it's actually a good idea with many practical applications, such as carrying...
Mustache Guard Mug
June 21st is Father's Day. If Papa's already got a brand new bag (maybe the Henty you got him for Christmas?) now it's time for a brand new mug. Here's a hand(lebar)y choice for they of the hairy upper lips. The Bucardo...
Check All That Apply Cards
Business cards, like hand gestures, are great ways of communicating. A card reminds a new acquaintance of your name. A potential client of your job title. A hot chick of your phone number. And here, with the interactive...
DEEP 3D Wallpaper
All you slow, socially awkward, and stoned kids out there who enjoy sitting around staring at walls, prepare to get DEEP and have your minds blown. DEEP is 3D wallpaper. It was created as part of a collaboration between...
Slate-ish Paper Laminate Tile
On its own, slate and the tile it produces for our home projects takes bazillions of years to form from silt and mud nestled in the deep crevices of the earth. But Slate-ish, a visually and functionally similar tile prodded...
I Could Eat a T-Rex Spaghetti Measurer
Whether you're hungry enough to eat a T-Rex, or just need a quick coupla bites of the child from the family he's terrorizing, this clever kitchen tool will measure out the precise amount of meaty flesh you need to achieve...
Flow Chart Film Plot Posters
In a time when everything from books and movies to sporting events to 1 a.m. lines at the Taco Bell drive-thru keeps getting longer, it's nice to see that H-57 still knows how to break it down to the quick and dirty...
Port Sippers Wine Glasses
They say these glasses are for sipping port, but I say port, merlot, Scotch, Kool-Aid, whatever. I mean, they look like a cross between a hookah and a Tanooki suit, so why waste their Awesome value using them only when...
Nymphs Coconut Shell Projection Lamps
Forget the magic mushrooms, someone get me a coupla coconut shells and a drill. That's all Vainius Kubilius needs anyway to take us on this fantastically lit journey through space and time. His Nymphs, table and floor...
Chelsea Miller Kitchen Knives
Under the tutelage of her father, and then brother, and then blade-smith Nick Anger, Chelsea Miller began upcycling leftovers such as horse shoe rasps and wood from her family's farm in Vermont into the rustic, standout...
Solid Brass Paperweight & Top
It's a paperweight. With a top inside. That might give you some pretty trippy dreams starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Use the paperweight element of J.L. Lawson & Co.'s design to squash your flyaway papers under 14.6 ounces...
Carolina Shuckers Hand-Forged Kitchen Tools
Hand-forged in North Carolina by Kirk Davis or Michael Waller--you'll know which one because his name will be etched into the back of your purchase--Carolina Shuckers repurposes items such as old railroad spikes and equestrian...
Ltd Tools Smoking Pipes
The Ltd Tools mission statement: "To make the nicest pipes on the planet." I guess the truth in that goal is all personal taste before you're high, and not really worth taking the trouble to think about after you're high...